Monday, November 28, 2005

Digital Camera

There are so many choices and we are not sure what to purchase. What would you suggest? Make, model #, etc.


Darin Yoder said...

What are you thinking? SLR or point and shoot?

I'm guessing point and shoot. My suggestion would be a Canon Powershot S1 IS. Jeff and Crystal bought one before they went back and it's a great camera.

Whatever you get, get a Canon.

Glen Zehr said...

what is an slr???
Showing my ignorance....

Anonymous said...

What your old film camera is!


Momof3 said...

What does slr stand for? Explain the abbreviation, please!

Darin Yoder said...

I restate: Whatever you get, get a Canon.

Small is not necessarily better. Too small and you have a terrible time holding it without blocking all sorts of vital things (i.e. lens and flash).

Rob said...

If cost is not a major factor, I would recommend the larger cams. Whenever I am looking at a major purchase, 200 hundred dollars or more, I do a lot of research online. Some of my favorite review sites are:,,,,

I currently am using a Fuji Finepix S7000.We have had it for 2 years now I think. It has been a great camera. Good features, nice prints etc. Our oldest son just got a Canon SD400 for 225.00 after rebate. It was one of those "black friday" deals at Office Depot. For a really compact camera I have been impressed so far but we have not gotten prints from it yet.
Hope this is helpful.