Friday, November 04, 2005

The Big Picture

Why do we question God's goodness? Why does it feel like the bad things that happen to us are so harsh? If God cares about us why does he allow us to face certain situations? I believe part of the answer, if not all of the answer, is based on the fact God is all knowing. God can see the big picture. God can see the whole of humanity beginning with, or before Adam and never ending. God knows what is best for humanity and he allows things to happen for our good. The painful things in life are things that can draw us to Him. If there was no pain would we need a savior? If there was no pain would we feel any need or desire to find the meaning for our lives? The Why I am here? question. What roll has pain played in drawing your heart, soul, and mind to Himself? It is so hard for us, in our finite minds, to realize there is a big picture and God has us in His picture. God does care and the proof of this fact is found in His beloved son suffering through the pain of the cross. Jesus faced pain, the pain of rejection. Jesus felt forsaken he said "My God my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" So I believe to wonder if we are forsaken is a natural response to situations we face. The bible also says Jesus was tempted like we are yet He was without sin. The pain of the cross and the pain of feeling forsaken was also part of God's big picture. I believe Jesus understood this picture but I don't think we will until Jesus returns. Hopefully, when life is over I will be able to see the big picture and some things will begin to make sense.


Anonymous said...

So true. I wonder if we really understand who God is and His mission in creating us when we balk at suffering. Suffering has strengthened my faith, lifted my sights from earth to Heaven, given me avenues of service, and allowed me to understand the Cross of Jesus better than all the years of "normalcy" put together. I wouldn't trade any of it for letting the good times roll.

Anonymous said...

That's got to be at least part of the reason God allows suffuring. If everything went well all the time we'd never know what we really lack.
