Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Once again I bring to you an item of concern and I need your advice. This item is one that concerns my lovely wife. Last night as she was sewing I detected a note of disgust at her machine. My question is this. What type/brand of sewing machine would you recommend? What can I purchase for $200 or less?


Val said...

Under $200? Not too much new, but I'd have her look on eBay for a really good used one. Ask the seller how many hours are on it (some have counters inside), and try to buy from a sewing machine shop (trade-in), or original owner, but watch out for pawn shops who don't know a sewing machine from a boombox.

There's nothing like sewing on a good machine! Getting the best you can afford would be my advice. :o)

Japheth said...

Look for an older Bernina. I have serviced lots of these and they may take a little maintenance but almost never where out. I just bought a few older ones that are just straight and zig-zag, forward and reverse, but sew beatufully. They will be in the price rang you are looking and I could see what I could do.

Please do not buy a cheap $200 new machine!! You will have nothing but headaches and struggles within a year. Someone else stated it best, buy a good used machine from a dealer. They often take these in on trade and have to dump them do to their age.

If you find something, email me the model, make, and price, and I will let you know if they are in the ballpark or if it is a bomb.

Take Care and I will be glad to help whether or not you buy from me!