Friday, March 10, 2006

Chicken Litter

I was spreading chicken litter this morning. While I was occupying my time with this lovely task the wind was blowing. Actually, I would say it was very forceful gale. So, depending which direction across the field I was going the wind would blow the litter back across the tractor and its driver. This was a very annoying to say the least. I have also discovered that yelling at the wind doesn't help. It continues to blow.
Why isn't cow manure called cow litter? Or why isn't chicken litter called chicken manure?


Ben and Juanita said...

Because of the way "chicken litter" just rolls off your tongue. Now there is an ugly word picture.

Say Chicken manure 5 times fast then say chicken litter 5 times fast.

I vote for chicken litter.

jump4joy said...

we always said chicken manure when I was growing up and had a 20,000 layer chicken house to clean out. Maybe it depends on how much you have to do??? Chicken litter sounds like you are just cleaning out a little chicken shed...a whole big chicken house sounds more like manure. Get the point?? :)