Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Fund Raising

Some of you know that we have adopted three children. Because adoptions are rather expensive we have been trying to raise money to help with the cost. For two summers we grilled and sold chicken at a location up in town. Church ladies were very thoughtful and donated baked goods and we were able to make some headway in the financial arena. (My sister and her husband have also adopted and we did this together, splitting the proceeds.) Last summer we discovered the health department had some restrictions we would need to follow so we were unable to grill anymore chicken. We have been trying to figure out a good way to raise money. Do you have any ideas? We have started another blog, Adopted Treasures, that will be used as our website. We will be focusing on fundraising, adoption stories, and pictures. To visit that site check out my links on the sidebar.
What fundraisers are you aware of that have worked for others?


Anonymous said...

Hey Glen, your word splitting in there clicked something in my brain. Do you burn wood in VA? How about selling wood? Maybe the men in the church could have a day to cut and split wood to sell...

Another idea which might not go over with the health dept. because it involves food is to make and sell frozen pies. This is especially a good fund raiser at a holiday time. Apple pies are innexpensive and easy to do. If you sell them frozen and ready to bake it cuts your time a lot!! Gram has a good crust recipe if you want it!

Val said...

Have you heard of Kingdom Kids Ministries? Many in the China-adoption community have been able to get help through them. Actually, it's not technically grants, but KK sends tax-deductible receipts to donors. When family/friends donate $$ in your name, KK sends you the money, and the donor a receipt. I don't know all the particulars, but check it out:

They're very nice people to talk to on the phone...and they have some really good books (Michelle Gardner wrote several).