Sunday, December 04, 2005

Twelve Days Of Christmas

This Christmas song is one I used to detest because it is so repetitious. Yesterday I read a short history on the song in a little newsletter. This newsletter was thrown into the trash before I could copy down a few things. Each character in the song has a hidden meaning. For instance, the Partridge in a pear tree is a reference to Christ on the cross. They did this because of the persecution the church was facing. I cannot remember what the other things were types of. Can you help me out?


Glen Zehr said...

I remembered several others later.
11 is for the 11 fatihful disciples.
their is one for the gifts of the Holy SPirit 7 or 8 not sure which. Etc.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I googled it at this site. (very awesome history of hidden meanings) Thanks for the question :) jh

B O B said...

Hi you can find the song the 12 days of Christmas here at this post with the explaination of the symbolic meaning.
Meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas

Merry Christmas