No, this is not the same as hysteria. This a rare disease found in the bovine species. Well, I don't know how rare it is but it is rarely found in my bovine population. This disease is also known as the circling disease. Cattle are known to begin wandering in circles and other strange symptoms. We had a cow with such symptoms about a month ago. She fell and did not want to get up. This tends to aggravate the human species. After much pleading and other assorted means of bribery, I rolled her frame into the skid-steer bucket and carried her to greener pastures. That evening she was back on her feet but was showing signs of blindness in one eye and an odd determination to go in circles. However, I was still unsure about her disease so I treated her not. The next day I asked for input from another wise dairyman. His advice included calling the vet. What a novel idea. I called the vet. I was advised to give her penicillin and a few other drugs. I gave her, Mandy, 100cc at noon and another 100cc that evening. Then I reduced the rate back to 50cc for four days. Lysteria is a result of bacteria on the brain and penicillin fights this bacteria. The normal dose of this potent drug is 20-25cc once a day. As you can tell the dosage we were using was much higher than this. This morning the test we run to check for antibiotics in the milk showed they were finally out of her system. A month of bad milk. Amazing.
Sometimes I feel like I have lysteria. I tend to go in circles and appear to be blind in both eyes…..
Maybe all I need is a big dose of penicillin........
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