Saturday, October 01, 2005

Our Story (part one)

I was considering doing this before In His Image wrote his. There will be some big differences in our different stories. However, we would both agree, I wouldn't recommend you doing it this way. Now, I should also tell you I started this book so I could give our children a copy. Something they could read and understand more about how we felt while struggling with infertility and adoption, both failed and successful.
Froggy Went A Courtin
Froggy went a courtin and he did ride.
With sword and pistol by his side
Rode right up to miss mouseÂ’s door.
Gave three raps and a very load ROAR.
Took miss mouse upon his knee
Said miss mouse will you marry me?
Froggy went a courtin and I did too. It all began in the confines of Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute (SMBI). I was there for Night of Music. Night of Music is really a reunion. Everyone that has attended this fine institution comes home for a visit. Afterthe service my friend, Brian, and I were strolling through the gym. Brian stopped to chat with a young lady for a few seconds, and I stood silently by, making mental assessments. Good looking, mature, soft-spoken, modest, the list went on and on. They finished the conversation, and she continued on her journey. Where she was going, I did not know. As Brian and I moved on through the gym, I asked, "Who was that?"
"That was Rachel Kauffman. She is going is coming as a student fourth-term" Brian replied, "You interested? I can set you up" he said laughing.
"Oh, not really" I replied. Then I promptly forgot about her, until we were both fourth-term students. We were both students and became very good friends. For some reason we ended up at Best Way quite often, eating pizza, and doing homework, sort of. Of course, we never went alone, the people we took with us were friends of the cause, and we were able to make significant strides in our homework, I mean, in our relationship.
Our relationship had progressed to a point where I felt the need to have parental support. So when my mother was there to visit one weekend, I made SURE she knew who I was in love with. After six weeks of confinement in a building whose floors took great joy in creaking and groaning, we prepared to depart on a three-week chorus tour, into the vast country of Canada. While on this trip I got very sick, Rachel was the school nurse, so this increased our chances of building our relationship. Not only was my body very feverish, I realized how my heart was burning with the love of youth.
I knew her parents had been talking to some of my friends, trying to determine if I was worthy of a relationship with Rachel. I realized that these friends must have convinced RachelÂ’s parents that I was okay when she said, "I think it is time for you talk to Dad."
I distinctly remember calling Bob on the phone. It was Sunday evening, and we had a very good discussion about life and what some of my goals where. My goal for the immediate future included going to Choice Books of Northern Virginia, located in Fairfax, to spend a year of voluntary service. This was a good thing to have on my resume, because RachelÂ’s parents, Bob and Donna, had spent close twenty years serving at Northern Youth Programs, and they appreciated the fact that I wanted to be involved in ministering to human souls.
I moved to Choice Books two weeks before RachelÂ’s high school graduation, and she was wondering if I could attend. I felt uncomfortable taking off work, because my job had just begun, and decided I would need to miss this monumental occasion. This decision brought on a very serious illness called moping. Due to this illness, I decided time off of work would be a very good thing. I would talk to Alfy, my boss, and get his opinion. Alfy told me, "I think you should go."


Momof3 said...

Okay, now you've got me on here commenting as you did on Japheth's--don't let up, we want to know the rest! =]

Japheth said...

He-he!! See, I primed the pumps and now I get to ready ya'll's!!

Your writing a BOOK?! Let me know who the publisher is and I'll see if the want the second at a good bargain!