Thursday, September 08, 2005

Night Vision

I have been milking nights this week. I feel sorry for everyone that has not taken the time to look up this week. Look up people, it is amazing. The stars are brilliantly shining. The milky-way is very milky and there are two planets on the western horizon that are beautiful and can be seen as the sun sinks. The moon was a tiny orange sliver the other evening. Truly beautiful, so go look, right now, I mean it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I am on a dairy in the midwest, and we milked 3x a day for several years. I did the 11 pm milking. It is amazing what you see, and how different the world can look in the middle of the night. Full moon was always a favorite time to milk. I miss the midnight milking, but our sons are off to college,and so we are back to 2x milking. Enjoy the night sky!

suzy q