Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Reveiw Part II

Some of you are probably wondering why we sent our most recent album to a review board. I will try to explain our reasoning. About two years ago, after we recorded Resting In His Grace, we heard about this review board and thought it would be interesting to see what areas they thought we could improve in. So we sent the album to them and eagerly awaited their response. What we learned from that review was some what helpful. They mentioned things such as lack of energy and that we were a little sloppy with some rhythms.
As a group we have talked quite a bit about the quality of music we produce and how it effects worship. We feel that the better job we are able to do with the music we are singing the more it will be able to speak to the listener. So we took their thoughts to heart and worked very hard at improving our next album. We tried harder than we ever have to interpret songs in a way that would lead the listener to think about the message of the songs.
We sent in Deliverance to see if we had made any improvement. They thought we were worse then before, which was discouraging. After contemplating what these fellows are looking for in an album I can understand why they thought it was boring. It is disappointing that we have nothing to take from the review which we can use to help us improve.


Val said...

My esteem of their review went out the door after I read that you let your "faith" [being Mennonite] get in the way of making whatever chartbuster album they're seeking. I love good Mennonite music (there IS a distinct sound to it, which I love), but they're coming from a completely different angle. :o) Them hearing that "sound" does not evoke any feelings of nostalgia. I'm sure the Schwartz Family would make their trained ears quivver, but when I hear them, I hear my childhood, my grandma's house, my grandpa's "aMEN!"

I hope their brutal reviews won't cause you to stop singing. If it's any consolation, I've heard many of my fave (non-Menno) recordings savaged by "experts" as well...and I still listen/like them very much. :o)

Glen Zehr said...

Oh, we won't quit singing. We will just stop getting their opinion.....

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the effort VOP makes in striving for musical excellance, no question that a lack of excellance can detract or "turn off" a listener. I think peer reviews of performance can be helpful on a certain level, whether DHIA (:}) or music. However there is no earthly measure of how the Spirit uses Godly music to bless God's people when they really need it! I like most all of the album but for me the song "Come to Me" has blessed me over and over again.

And what better way to keep awake on a late night drive home than playing "Gonna lay down my burdens" over and over again on the CD player.....

Keep up the good work!

tio Del

Glen Zehr said...

Thank you for your support.....