Saturday, February 18, 2006


I am slowly beginning to realize that in my line of work a man needs to make lists. In the last month I have begun to carry slips of paper in my pockets. These are no ordinary slips. These pieces of paper are recycled. They are my old NAPA receipts. I make a trip to the local NAPA store for parts and these yellow bits of paper are stuffed into my pockets. I have also begun to carry a knife. This is a knife that I purchased at my friendly NAPA store. This knife is very sharp and has two unique features. It has a lock blade, fairly common, but it is really a razor blade. So when the blade gets to dull to cut you can swap ends. When the blade is shot you throw it away and put in another. One other thing I try to carry in my pockets is a big crayon. This crayon is used to mark the tail head of a cow after breeding her. We do this to try to keep track of who has been bred and who hasn't and it is also a tool for catching cows in heat. By the end of the day I will probably have a pair pliars, two-three wrenches, and an assortment of bolts, nuts, and washers all residing in my pockets. This can be hazardous to ones health. It makes it difficult to walk with such heavy pants. They may fall off..... Sometimes my pants get home an hour or so later then I do........
Do you carry things in your pockets?

1 comment:

Ben and Juanita said...

I'm wondering if NAPA paid you for this advertisement. Just kidding.