Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, how many of you have started working in your garden? I tilled mine up this evening with a shovel.... Our garden is rather small... So, what you planting this year?


Anonymous said...

we don't have a large enough lot or enough good sun to have a garden, but we're going to try container gardening on our deck, which does recieve a couple hours of good sunlight every day. do you have any experience with that?

c&c kline

Glen Zehr said...

No, I can't say that we do...
In fact, I seem to have trouble getting things to grow in our normal garden. Actually, I seem to have trouble getting things to grow in the fields. I am pretty much a troubled man.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Glen, this is to the person wanting to know about deck gardening. Go to www.earthbox.com and you will find what we used this year. Initial cost is quite high, but next year the only cost is seeds. We have 5 boxes, grew tomatoes, carrots, and broccoli in them. They work. You will need to build or buy some sort of trellis for the tomatoes, they grow very tall. We got the old style on clearance...I would recommend them! Norma

Meredith said...

shhhhhhhhh....don't talk about gardening yet. We still have over two feet of snow on the ground. Our garden is just a bump under the snow. I hate when you Southern people start planting peas and I am still running my snowblower! Last year was the first we had planted sweet corn in many years. Everything went just right and we had the best crop of sweet corn we have ever had in the North. So, maybe I'll try corn again this year. Now look what you've done...you have me thinking about gardening with two months to go before I can plant anything! :)
