Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Technology (Or Not)

We seem to be living in a state of technology deficiency that is less than some third world countries. We keep discovering it will be two years till high speed internet is available. So, we have checked into satellite internet, not TV. Do any of you have it? Do you like it? I have talked to one person who has it and he can't stand it however, he also says it is much better than dial up....
PS The wife and I had our date tonight. Twas great....


Meredith said...

We have satellite connection for Internet, because we will never get high speed where we live. It works well for us. It is not as fast as high speed but it is way faster than dial up. The cost of a second phone line and a dial-up account is pretty much the same as a satellite account.

Nodleulations said...

I seem to have no problem with the internet speed. (recent upgrade to "high speed")

Now all I need is the date!

Momof3 said...

We're getting ready to have a weekend long date-----we get to go to the Weekend to Remember marriage conference the 2nd weekend of November here in Augusta. Can't wait! Are your dates as few and far in between as ours are?!