Monday, July 02, 2007

Potty Training

Ah yes, the joy of a life time. This little post is in response to a comment on a previous post in which the author wondered if we were potty training yet. The answer is no. I don't know if it is emphatically no but it is no none the less. We, my wife mainly because I am not a woman, believe that our children sit and sit and sit on the potty without doing anything. Then when they are old enough to know what is going on they are tired of sitting. We are a little more laid back, waiting for the child to be good and ready before starting. How do we know this you may ask. That is a good question. When the child starts running off into some corner to take care of his or her business then it is time to at least try things out. If they still can't figure out what they are supposed to do in this little potty, we simply put it away. A couple months later we get it back out and hopefully then they are ready.
What is your plan of action???


Anonymous said...

I know many people won't agree with us, but I thought this would add a new twist to your discussion on potty traiining....

We wait until the child is old enough to sit up on his own accord, then start sitting them on the potty to have their bowel movements. If you are able to catch them in the act, or nearly there, then transfer them to the potty, it only takes about 3 times and they will not go in their diaper anymore (unless under extreme circumstances, like having to wait a long time) :) We did this with our first 3 children and it was wonderful! It didn't take long for them to come up with some sort of sign to tell us they were going to go potty...we never pushed potty training them for the night. At some point (usually around a year to year and a half) we started encouraging them to "pee-pee" in the toilet...and eventually they stayed dry at night. For parents who hate changing dirty diapers, we thought we had it made! :) Then came #4 and he was born in the middle of chaos, remained that way, became a 'floater baby' and was a great baby...except we never potty trained...too he's 17 mo. old ripping off his diaper and leaving his daily duty in the crib. How do you spell YUCK? So this week it's our mission to get him going on the potty....

It'd be fun to hear from some other people...

Glen Zehr said...

It really is true that everybody is different and what works for one person doesn't for another.
I hate potty training... maybe I got turned off with trying to potty train all the children I babysat. It took months sometimes a year or more to get them trained. Mainly because their parents didn't do much, and I only had them 5 days a week during the day.
At any rate, I hate potty training and can't stand the thought of potty training from 6 months til 1 1/2 years.
So I wait til mine are ready and then it takes 2 - 6 weeks and they are trained. Not at night... that comes whenever they are ready. For one she was about 3 til she stayed dry all night every night. Almost a year after she was trained during the day. The other one trained at night as soon as she was trained during the day.
I would much rather change diapers for 2 years then try to potty train for a year.

I also like training in the month of January... we don't go away very often, even during the day, which makes for quicker potty training. So that means the boys will be 2 1/2 before I even start. Hopefully they will be ready by then. If not maybe they will have to wait til the next January. :-) Just kidding.
I enjoy hearing how other people have done it. And am glad for each person that finds what works for them! Rachel

Anonymous said...

man, i'm so dissapointed no one else commented. must be man's blog. lol :) i love hearing other people's stories, too and i'm not one to think that my way is THE ONLY way.