Saturday, April 12, 2008

Passed Out

I wasn't present for this odd occurrence but apparently a sip of a Frapachinno (sp?) resulted in a seizure late Friday evening in Hagerstown MD. Donna Kauffman wanted a sip of her daughters flavored coffee. Rachel Zehr reported that Donna, after sipping this frozen treat, complained of a major freeze headache before laying her head back on the headrest. After a few seconds in this position her eyes rolled oddly up into her head and Mrs. kauffman slumped over the steering wheel. This maneuver cause quite stir in Rachel's heart and she started trying to communicate with her mother. Mrs. kauffman was vocally unresponsive but her body did began to twitch and jerk in response to her daughters inquiries also her foot slid off of the brake pedal causeing the vehicle to twitch oddly and scaring the grandchildren. Sources say that Rachel frantically put the van in park and began waving at her sisters who were traveling in another vehicle. These ladies came running to the scene trying to decide if emergency services should be contacted. At this point Mrs. Kauffman revived and wondered where she was exactly. They filled her in on the details and removed her from the drivers seat. Family members report that Mrs. Kauffman had been under some stress a little earlier in the day and they wonder if the cause of the seizure like symptoms were a result of stress and a freeze headache. Sources also claim the family is unaware of these kind of symptoms at any other point and are unaware of anyone in the human race who has suffered a seizure from sipping a Frappachino. Family members are not overly concerned at this point, however, if another one of these freakish things takes place a Dr. will need to be seen.


Anonymous said... much of this is for real????ng

Glen Zehr said...

All of it....

Anonymous said...

I would not wait for a second occurance to see a doctor!! This woman is my sister you know!!!

Glen Zehr said...

To be honest we are quite surprised you haven't called and asked about it....

Anonymous said...

I am waiting till you all leave!!!
Even my eldest brother called my youngest sister last night after reading this missive to see what she knew!! You know...we have a brother who had an AVM, that while not considered to be heriditary, does tend to run in families. And one cousin who had one that was caught in time because of an incident like MIL! Plus an extended relative who had one, and a great aunt. So we don't take this lightly!

Glen Zehr said...

Oh, so your really not THAT worried about it.... Otherwise you would have been calling every 10 min. too see if we were following your directions

Anonymous said...

YOU are putting words into my mouth!!!!