Monday, November 26, 2007

Bad Day

I mentioned the other day I needed to fill you in on some details concerning our transformer and the lack of power to the house. I had a load of feed delivered on Saturday. The first thing the driver told me was We are going to have a mess when we dump this load. When we were loading a board got broke off the top of the trailer and my tarp got knocked inside the trailer. So my tarp is buried under the feed. In his defense, it was dark when he loaded so he was having a difficult time seeing, I guess...
Anyway, He got his rig turned around and backed into the bay and began to dump. I went about my business working on feeding the cows. I came back by a few minuets later and he wanted to talk to me. He wanted to explain to me why a board on the face of the shed was broke. He backed up to far with his trailer way up in the air and broke the board. So, in his words, he felt about half an inch tall. After this incident he did get the trailer emptied and it was then I discovered what a mess we had on our hands. His tarp was buried under the whole load. To make a long story short I moved 80% of the load back out of the bay to get his tarp. In the process I ruined his $1000 tarp. (I was doing what he instructed me to do so I didn't feel responsible for this negative affect on his bank account. It took me a good 30 minuets to uncover his tarp. By now the driver was very out of sorts. This had never happened to him before and he was very sorry and how much does he owe me for my time. I told him not to worry about it. It wasn't a big deal. He finally gave me $20 for fuel and left. I didn't pay any attention to him as he left because I was bust putting the feed back in the bay. The next thing I noticed was him stopped in front of the house walking around and looking at stuff. The poor fellow had gotten so distraught he had forgotten to lower his trailer when he left. When the trailer is in the dump position it is a good 30 feet in the air. We have over head electric service to the house and his trailer caught the lines and jerked them out of the transformer. The ladies informed me it sounded like the end of the house was going to fall down. The driver was very apologetic and offered to pay for this as well. I am afraid he will have to. I will see how much the electric company charges to reconnect the lines. I don't know how tall he felt by this time. He did wonder How much we would charge too take him home...

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