Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Details

I was privileged to be present this morning when Dr. Wade, Dr. Woodward, and Dr. Joseph made an appearance. Dr. Joseph is the neurologist and read the MRI concerning Jon's double vision problem. Apparently there is some nerve damage. This nerve provides signals to one the muscles in his right eye. This nerve, I believe, will fix itself with some time. Dr. Joseph seemed very pleased with the amount of improvement that had taken place since he saw him yesterday. Dr. Woodward didn't say a whole lot but was trying to address the issue with Jon's hearing. His ears are ringing. Dr. Woodward explained this by saying meningitis tends to affect the acoustic nerve. This too should improve with time. Dr. Wade gave us the most information. Apparently meningitis is accompanied by lots of swelling in the brain. Because of the skull there is no where for the brain to expand too. This is why he has experienced nerve damage and is also why he has had such excruciating headaches. Dr. Wade also informed us that Jon will probably be out of school for two more weeks. He also is extremely doubtful VOP should be going on tour in Feb. I tend to agree with him. I don't see how he will have the energy to travel and sing in two weeks. One interesting thing we discovered was that Dr. Wade attends Rivermont Presbyterian Church. He was present when we sang there this summer. He thought we looked familiar. When I found out he attended Rivermont I remembered shaking his hand after the service. He is a very nice man and a very capable Dr.

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