Friday, January 11, 2008

Hair Cuts

I am wondering how many of the male population have their locks shortened by the lady of the household? Some of you cut it yourself. This would be disastrous for me. Everything is backwards in the mirror and I would probably remove my ears from the head.
My wife has been cutting my hair for quite sometime. She has this habit of bouncing the clippers off of my head. Tonight I finally told her I felt like runway on a windy day with an inexperienced pilot. Here it comes and then SLAM on my and bouncing for a few yards before smoothing out and running smoothly along the contours of my skull. I calmly informed her of this rather annoying occurrence. After I relayed this information to her the clippers landings seemed to smooth out. I must say the haircut looks very nice...


Anonymous said...

I guess your wife is one brave woman. Cutting hair is disastrous for this marriage! Mr ITF sees the barber.

CretoraKline said...

This was kind of a funny post, for it reminded me of a day after we were married about 6 mo. We decided that we could save a ton of money if I'd learn how to cut Charlie's hair, and he deemed it a reasonably easy task. lol I was terrified, but agreed to learn. He sat on a chair in front of the mirror and it was a very long process. 3 hours to be exact. He ended up holding the hair while I cut it. It was a very tense evening and the longest haircutting session he's ever had to endure. LOL We decided maybe we could spare the extra expense after that. LOL

Anonymous said...

ok, sorry about the 2000 Venture Van. ?? We put up that website when we were trying to sell our van.