Thursday, October 19, 2006

Amazement Square Part II

Amazement Square has this cow. As this picture shows children are able to milk this cow. When you squeeze the cows teats streams of clear liquid make singing sounds in the bucket. As a dairy farmer I see two problems with this picture. First, I have never seen a cow the color of an orange. I realize I am being nit picky and this is suppose to be a cow from the Jersey breed. Second, the milk is the wrong color. I have seen to many cows in the past come down with choloform (sp?) mastitus. When this happens the milk will turn a very nasty brownish watery color. I would say this cow is definitely in the last stage of her life. Their is no way she will survive such a mammary infection as this. Poor lass, may she rest in peace...
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Anonymous said...

You must be one of thos people who always lets the facts get in the way of a good story...

Meredith said...


I'm not a vet, and I can't see very much of the cow in your picture. However, from the little patch of cowhide that I can see, I wonder if the cow isn't already dead! Did you check for a heartbeat? Do you know if she was breathing?

Also, did she kick the milk bucket over? From my limited experience, any cow that doesn't kick over the milk bucket when being milked by hand by an inexperienced milker is probably dead!
