Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tool Eatery

We started cutting corn silage today. The start of the harvest season always brings a sense of anticipation and curiosity. I wonder what will break this year. We had our first self-inflicted break down this afternoon.
I was working on the chopper when Sonny showed up and we discovered I was working on something that didn't need to be fixed. (I thought a bolt had sheared when in reality a gathering chain had hopped off of the sprocket.) So I put my tools up on the chopper and while Sonny worked on the real probelm I ran home to get some lunch. When I got back to the field I noticed that Sonny had moved the machinery but was once again working on something. The tools I had carefully laid on top of the chopper he did not see and when he started chopping they fell into the chopper. Metal going through choppers is not a good thing. I told him what all I had left up their. Two half-inch wrenchs, two nine-sixteenth wrenchs, hammer, punch, and a pipewrench. What was left? One half-inch wrench, hammer and punch. We had to replace two knives and put half a dozen others back into the correct position. Such is life at Malfunction Junction...


Anonymous said...

Oh my...such is life....on top of that you have to replace the tools!!! Breakdowns is part of farming for sure.


Anonymous said...

About like at Charles Farris's one year. He had Phillip's Equip. do some work on his chopper and afterward no one could find the control box. No one at Phillip's could remember where it was either. David had it all hooked up , except for the missing box, as he moved it to the front of the shop he turn on the PTO. Strange noises and pieces of stuff began coming out of the spout. Needless to say we found the box in the cross auger at the back with the wires thoroughly tangled in the blower. More than one way to find your box!
