Friday, July 07, 2006


My inlaws now have DSL which is incredibly swift. None of the dial up or waiting. It is so nice and I am quickly becoming incredibly spoiled. How many of you have dial up connetions?


Anonymous said...

Not I. I finally decided that $20/mo was about the cost of the time I spend looking for troubleshooting tips on tech issues with a dialup service.

jump4joy said...

Neither do we. DSL is incredibly nice to have and worth the money I think. One of these days it will be ancient history to talk about dial-up

Momof3 said...

We have dial-up still. With my husband in school and only one income, we're cutting cost where we can, and it just made sense to only be paying $4.95/month ($10 off because of unlimited long distance plan) instead of $30something. You just learn more patience.