Saturday, July 08, 2006

Odds & Ends

We arrived in the Lake Odessa MI area yesterday evening around 5:30. I would guess their are roughly 60 some people here. I really have no idea. It is possible that there are 60 grand/greatgrandchildren present. Last evening for supper we had stew that was cooked in a cast iron pot over a fire. Very good stuff.... I believe we are having grilled chicken at some point but I don't really know. The order of the day is to drink lots of coffee and sit around discussing lots of different topics. I just discovered one of Rachel's uncles has his pilots license and also owns a plane. The plane is a Cessna four seater. I believe he said it is a 172 but I cannot remember. I love flying....
I haven't been to MI for roughly five years so lots of things have changed. Time never stops and people continue to change.
Back to flying....
How many of you endure flying? How many of you have a pilots license? How many of wish you had one? If I could do life over I would get my pilots license.


Momof3 said...

I love to fly! Haven't done it much, though. Been in big planes, and a small four-seater. Ivan Mast from South Boston took me to GA in his little black plane once......that was probably more fun than either of the two trips with commercial flights to and from that I've ever done.

Just came from Michigan! Wonderful place!

Anonymous said...


There were 88 at the reunion and about 8 or 10 missing.


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the soup!

Nick - from MI

Anonymous said...

HEy Glen....Tom just got his pilots licence a couple of years ago and you have a long time to reach his start living your life over and get your pilots licence!