Sunday, January 01, 2006

BANG!!! Went the New Year

I was on milking duty last evening and got in the house about 11:10. I usually have devotions before going to bed (the house is nice and quiet). Well, I finished my devotions and was eating my snack and reading The Spirit Of the Disciplines when the lights went out. I was sitting at the kitchen table in total darkness. I looked out the window towards the farm. I saw the dusk to dawn lights were on. While my brain processed this information I saw the lights wink at me and then go dark. It is a very strange feeling to have the world be completely dark except for the light God provides in the night sky. I decided to check on the girls and began to stumble towards their bedroom. I did manage to stay in the upright position but their were a few perilous moments. The current came back on sometime in the night. I heard our printer resetting itself and this allowed me to peacefully go back to sleep. What is your worst or best lack of current story?

1 comment:

Japheth said...

In July of '95 we had a storm go thru our area and left trees down all over. At the campus where I worked, it took the whole rest of the year to get them all cleaned up.

But we lost power for three or four days straight. I remember my Dad hooking up the generator to recharge the freezers, lest we loose all our frozen food.

You don't realize how much you depend on electricty until it's off!