Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Eye Ball Update

I was in to see the eye Dr. this morning. He is a very fine Dr. and I like him a great deal. He told me that my eyes had done an amazing amount of healing since Fri. evening. My eye is fairly blood shot and he was so glad. He told me that if the eye is blood shot that means it still has a blood supply. He also told me that when I was in on Fri. their were no lifing surface cells on my right eye. Today only two places had no living cells. I am a little unsure how large those places were. I also asked him what he thought of my vision. He said when the eye has been damaged, metal or something, it takes 21 days before you can make an accurate judgement concerning his or her vision. I am amazed at how the eye works and how God created us.


Geryll said...

Wow that sounds like it could have been bad . . . hope your eye continues to heal.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is healing well.
Joyce Grieser