Saturday, August 20, 2005


There are times in the dairy industry when writing a note is crucial. For example, if I am not going to see the person that is scheduled to milk the next milking before the next milking and I need to tell him something important, I will write a note. Some of these are very short and to the point while others can turn into epistles. Following is a note that my brother wrote concerning a problem he noticed one night while bringing in the cows.
Dear whosoever milketh,
On her travels last evening, an old, bony, black, skinny hag of a cow with an unreadable tag fell in the mud. She refused to get up. So I left her. So she may still be there. And you may have troubles. Or she may have gotten up as soon as she saw my car drive away. Or she may get up as soon as she sees you approaching. Or she may never get up again. Or she may have died. Anyway, toodle loodle phooey!
Although the news was not overly cheering, the way it was presented caused me great mirth, if mirth is possible at 5 in the morning. It's all about the presentation folks.
By the way, her name was Empire and she went to the happy grazing grounds yesterday, the exact time this occured is unknown.


Glen Zehr said...

Trust me, the way she looked she wasn't worth grilling.....
I will be inviting yoderpianist over soon.... Then I will add lots of links to my nonexistent sidebar....

Anonymous said...

At least old hags of cows are good for something!


Anonymous said...

jon always wrote the coolest notes. way back to his demerits when i was in 4-5 grade. not that i got too many. jeremy

Anonymous said...

May she rest in peace.


P.S. That note was great! =D