Friday, September 04, 2009

The Deal At This Point

Ok folks,
Here is what we know. Kaiden will be here through the weekend. The pediatric plastic surgeon was in this morning. She said, "we will be good friends before this is over." The muscle on both lips has been damaged which means he will not be able to control his lips like before in regards to controlling drool and things. It could very well affect his speech and who knows what in the future. They will not do anything until next week. This would, I think, be a consultation with the pediatric plastic surgeon. I am assuming she will put together a game plan for the future.
We are very thankful his life was spared. We are somewhat nervous about the future. Fear of the unknown. Will he always talk funny? Will his face look funny. Things like this are what goes through a parents mind. Yet we realize God is in control and I keep asking myself what God is trying to teach me through this. One thing I realized is think I have become the dreaded work all the time kind of man. I have not been home much for the last several months. Home and awake at the same time...
Some thing needs to change. Surely God could have used something else to teach me this. Maybe it has more to do with trust in Him. The Father. The one who died for each of us.
We appreciate your prayers...

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