Friday, November 14, 2008

On The Road Again

I am currently sitting in a dark hotel room in Spartan, SC. At least I think I am in Spartan or Spartansburg or something Spartanish. We, VOP, are headed to FL for the weekend with a stop in Barnwell, tonight.
We had the company who manufactured our new album overnight us a box of 100. The rest of the order was suppose to arrive last night. They didn't. The box they sent was suppose to arrive yesterday morning and they didn't arrive until 2 in the afternoon. We left at 4:30. We like to have things barely arrive on time. This helps keep the blood moving through your body at a rapid pace. This is a result of madly pacing around the house and occasionally banging your head against the wall for added effect. You also need to stare wildly out the window once in awhile this adds to the drama that is unfolding. Unfortunately none of these antics changes the facts only your facial features will change and possibly the walls of your house from all the head banging...
So, life goes on...

1 comment:

Gramma said...

Why didn't you ship them to my place???