Monday, November 10, 2008

Frozen Bagels

For breakfast this morning I had blueberry bagels. I was in the process of preparing one for the toaster when I made a fascinating discovery. I was calmly slicing my frozen bagel with a bread knife when I made this discovery. I must admit there was some amazement concerning the sharpness of the tool I held. I was slicing the bagel and was trying very hard to control the speed of the knifes exiting of the bagel. Of this I was very unsuccesful. I now have a cut on my pinky to prove it. The cut was quite deep and what so shocking was the amount of blood which flowed from my battle wound. It was very little. I am assuming the frozen bagel slowed the amount of blood passing through my pinky. So, the moral of the story is this. When you are cutting things make sure your hands are frozen...

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