Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bad Day Part II

The power guys showed up about an hour later to reconnect the line to the transformer. They wanted to disconnect the fuse at the main power line. The main line runs through our pre-fresh pen. We currently have a rather vigorous or hyper active heifer in this group. She runs at people and makes them think she is going to gore them. So, one of the line guys went meandering down through the pasture. He seemed to be a tad nervous and was continually looking over his shoulders and wondering when an animal would pursue him. He was half way across the pasture when this heifer noticed his presence. This put her in a very hyper mood and she went galloping off across the field. This brought the line man out of his meandering and caused him to stride with a purpose towards the fence. His purposeful stride turned into a gallop and in a few seconds he was hurdling the fence like and Olympic gold medalist. I decided I should meander out and make sure the local paramedic wasn't needed to calm his racing heart. When I arrived on the premise we had a little discussion about what had transpired. I told him that animal had a very inquisitive nature and seemed to enjoy scaring people. He informed me he was sure he was going to hear about this caper for quite some time. I am sure he will. He had to feel rather silly as he watched me shoo the animal away from a distance of 10 feet.


Momof3 said...

Sounds like you had your day of entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Wow, wish that encounter could have been video taped. LOL