Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Brief Jaunt Back To Blogging?

For some unknown reason I actually checked this blog this morning.  I haven't looked at it in months.  While glancing over a few of the posts I got this uncontrollable desire to post something.  Not that anyone will see it.  After all, if one doesn't ever post why would one keep checking back?  So, perhaps I will begin posting occasionally.  There are things about blogs that are much nicer than book face.  (I did that on purpose) one being the room or ability to type for as long as one wants.  Plus, I know that it will not clutter up someones wall or drive any one mad.  So, I see the clock has ticked past 7 and I am now late for work which is a bad thing when your the boss.  So, until next time...  If there is a next time...


Lezlie H. said...

Just so you know, I DID read this and enjoy reading your ramblings. Thanks for giving us readers a window into your life!

Glen Zehr said...
